Profiles In Courage

Originally posted at on September 17, 2011

When you register on, you are creating your own profile, so that the next time you log in, you will go directly to your own page. On this page, you will be able to post comments, bring in RSS feeds that you select, and track the solutions and candidates you have either “liked” or posted yourself. You can bring friends to your profile by finding them and adding them to your network.

If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can have a pseudonym as a profile name, and only divulge it to your best buds. Please don’t select “John Doe” or “Sue Smith” if you want friends to be able to find your profile without having to sort through hundreds of pseudonyms (that is, unless your name really is Sue Smith, in which case, I am sympathetic to your plight).

The kind of information you will have on your profile page is similar to Facebook, with the same kind of privacy privileges, so you will be able to control what others see.

Since we are still in the development stage as of the posting of this blog entry, the website is not fully functional. Trust that we will get there before we go national in our PR campaign.

If you have any questions about the Profile Page, you may email them to:

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