Did I say I was going to “double dig” my garden? Strike that; I’m doing something even MORE time consuming: I’m sifting my soil through a screen over a wheelbarrow. That means, I’m taking one clump at a time, breaking it up with my hands (with gloves on), removing the worms as carefully as I can to keep them alive, and I’m adding compost as I go. Otherwise, the clumps of clay will re-clump eventually. The organic matter addition is the key to creating really great soil out of mostly clay soil.
I’m digging to at least a depth of 8″ and in most cases 12″ deep, sifting what I’ve dug, and then I’m doing the “double dig” inside the trench I created, but only if I’m not hitting too many tree roots. My main problem is tree roots.
And oh, my aching back!
I’m happy to report that Brittany loved my script enough to pass it on to a couple other people: maybe someone at the agency where she served as intern, and definitely her cousin who is a writer with an agent (in movies!). She wants me to add more information so we get a better feel for the main characters. Also, more action, more description so we know exactly what’s going on behind the dialogue. I can do that!
I just had another 6 bales of straw delivered today to keep the ivy from creeping into the pumpkin patch. If my arms are itchy, it’s from the straw.
I did get those tickets to the Jayhawks. But if you’re a fan, you’re going to have to beat me at the will call window somehow, or I’ll be sitting right up front!
Oh, and my birthday is this Saturday. I’m proud to say I’m a sprightly 48 years old and stick rockin’! To celebrate, I’m spending the day at the Olympic Spa in Korea town. They have a wonderful spa treatment called the “Goddess” and we all know that every woman in the world has to feel like a goddess at least every once in a while.