Article in the Peninsula News

Did you see me on the front cover of  the March 5th PV Peninsula News and the article entitled “An Apple for An Orange”? If not, you are like most people: it seems no one noticed, because I had very few emails expressing an interest in sharing fruit. In fact, no one has signed up to the Fruit Exchange so far! Where are all the fruit growers on our hill?

I just figured my idea is ahead of its time.  However, I will not be discouraged!

I really don’t mind having a slow build-up. It’s not like I’m making any money by organizing this thing. It’s just a labor of love.

I did get a couple of emails lauding my efforts, and I have more families interested in buying my produce, and lots more hits on my website.

Sometimes I feel like nothing is “happening” for me. I have all these interests and skills and abilities, and I have so much to offer, but it really boils down to taking care of my kid.

Oh, yeah, and I made a serious revision to my screenplay because I’m giving the whole thing to a fellow student in my Spanish class who will pass it on to her daughter, an agent/producer/manager-in-training. So maybe in another 8 or 10 years,  something will come of it.

I was telling a fellow Art-Trekker that even when you have something important to say, it may never get out there. And that’s just real life.

The Art Trek weekend was amazing, however. I learned how to do portraits with acrylics, and if I can get a picture on this blog, you can see one of the two pieces I finished.Art Trek Obama Portrait

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One Response to Article in the Peninsula News

  1. Peggie Wormngton says:

    Hi Judy
    One of my students forwarded the article from the PV News. I’d love to meet you and see your garden. I live on the east side of PV, and teach (or more accurately, am the gardening cheerleader) at the botanic garden.
    My knowledge of vegetable gardening is really sorry – but I have a lot of oranges (navels), lemons (meyer) and limes to share – would love to find a home for them.
    call or email me if you have time for a visit.

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