How to Catch a GMO Shill

I wrote a piece about the difference between heirloom, hybrid, and genetically engineered seeds called Should Companies Patent Life two years ago. I wrote:

The problem with genetic modification is that we haven’t rigorously tested the effects of ingesting GM foods. The companies that benefit financially from selling GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms) have had laws passed in Congress that make it illegal for an objective, outside research team to review the GM seeds before they are commercially available. If a drug company tried to release a new medicine without testing it first, they would be stopped by the FDA.

Someone defending GMOs wrote in the comments that I was all wrong. GMOs are tested rigorously on animals. And besides, it would be unethical to test GMOs on humans.

I ask: if it’s so unethical to test humans eating GMOs, then isn’t it unethical to put GMOs into the food supply? And why be so stealthy about it? Why not tell people who are eating GMOs they are now test subjects? Label your GMO products, alright?

But a week after the shill had written that it was unethical to put humans through testing situations with GMOs, I couldn’t find her comment. She must have taken it down, realizing how ridiculous it looked.

The point is, even the shills say it’s unethical to be eating GMOs. They haven’t been proven safe in long-term human studies. And while testing GMOs (liberally sprayed with RoundUp), why don’t researchers add into the mix some mercury (from fish), aluminum (found in sunscreen and ingestibles) and glutamate (a widely used flavor enhancer), all known neurotoxins? You can’t just test these things in isolation and assume that they are safe. Rachel Carson, scientist and author of Silent Spring, warned that chemicals in combination can cause much more harm than they do alone.

Chances are that RoundUp combined with the three things I mentioned above are causing skyrocketing autism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis, all of which are neurological disorders. But we wouldn’t know, because RoundUp is tested in isolation on rats. Tests beyond 90 days are rare, and much as the industry would like to extrapolate the short-term study results, it’s not the same as what is going on every day in households across the U.S.A.

Whenever a study comes up with results that are less than favorable, the shills are out doing damage control. They say the science was flawed, that the researcher is no good, that the study wasn’t done correctly.

Last week, I wrote another article about GMOs and a shill who probably works for biotech (how many of you are there?) came out with the same argument. But this time, I got it on a screen shot. CAUGHT! It’s unethical to test GMOs on humans.

My point exactly.


Tags: GMO, GMOs, GMO Labeling, label GMOs, genetically modified food, genetically engineered foods, ethics, monsanto, syngenta, Dow Chemical, BASF, glyphosate, RoundUp, herbicides, Roundup herbicide, FDA, fda regulations, FDA food safety, autism, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, ALS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, MS, food, Fast Food, seeds

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