Originally posted at Writeindependent.org on October 21, 2011
How long can this go on?
At the end of a John Oliver segment on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, he sits around a table at a pub asking regular folks like you and me to comment on the Occupy Wall Street movement.
They sympathized with the protestors and felt that the message was basically a good one.
Oliver said “normal people should be doing something about this” and then they all decided to go back to their lives, rather than mobilize to do something about it. All my friends are the same way: they have plenty on their plates, just taking care of the kids or paying the bills, or trying to find a job.
Just like the protesters, they couldn’t come up with a way to handle the overwhelming task of trying to change things. If we only had a tool, a way to organize, that answered that need. Hmmmm. How about a website where regular people like you and me could work together to offer solutions, and then even vote in the representatives who could enact the laws to make these solutions happen? Oh, right: that’s writeindependent.org!
To watch the segment, click: