Writeindependent.org – Trans Pacific Partnership – TPP – international tribunal – free trade agreement
ONE person has legal power to rule the world?
Yes, its true. One person could have the legal power to decide the fate of countries. Does that sound right? Yet if the Trans Pacific Partnership is agreed upon, the US government gives an international tribunal made up of three attorneys the power to decide whether a corporation wins over a country’s environmental, consumer protection or copyright laws.
If you don’t know one of those attorneys personally, and trust them wholeheartedly, then do you want these three people to make the legal decisions that dictate policy over commerce, many times overriding the laws of a (once sovereign) country? Do you trust three attorneys to make the right choice when profit is their only motive?
I’m a gardener. Not a great gardener, but a pretty good one. The reason plants flourish in my garden is for one reason: persistence. I never give up! If it’s weeds, I pull them. If it’s weather, I do succession planting. When it’s a disease or pest, I figure out how to treat it. And then I never give up!
I think corruption in the system is like a disease or a pest. You figure out the problem, you determine how to fix it, and then you just hold your ground until life prevails.
Some people don’t mind death and decay. Let that be their legacy. Death and destruction appeals to some people. It’s not my thing, but its their thing.
There is enough room in this world for both. I believe that karma works in cycles: a person who strives to improve the place lives again in that better world that they created. And a person who strives to make money at all costs, even if it poisons their children and their children’s children get to inherit that kind of hell. And there are infinite worlds hidden in the strings of the other dimensions that our senses can’t pick up in this life.
So it’s your choice to make the world the way you treat it.
If I were Dick Cheney, I’d be very, very scared to die.